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I'm Travis Belanger

Transformational mindset coach, speaker & writer helping men like you be more authentic, emotional and connected.

I grew up not knowing what truly defined a man.  I didn't understand what it truly meant to be a man. Other than to work, keep your hands busy, do as your told, don't cry and whatever you do, don't show that your vulnerable. After almost 10 yrs of ignoring what was going on inside and not truly living my life for me, I made the decision begin a new journey.  That was when I realized that there was a serious problem, virtually an epidemic, that was affecting almost all the men in my life.  The messages were very clear. Do what I say, not what I do. If your not "manly" or "masculine" you will not be heard. If you want respect, you have to drink with the boys and come to work with the men. Strong back, weak mind - don't ask questions. Who do you think you are? Something had to change. 


It wasn't till after years of failed serious relationships that a close friend said to me "there's one common denominator in all of this... its you"!  I was surrounded by men who struggled in one way or another. This made me look in the mirror.  Who am I … what do I want…?    I kept hearing that reading and being around the right people could change your life. Your the sum of the fibe people you hang around with the most! And for things to change, you have to change!


“When the student is ready, the teacher appears”, and I was moved to , if only I changed how I looked at things, how I spoke and challenged what I believed could be possible. I drew the line from how things were to how I wanted them to be. Things began to change and I am living a life that is beyond my wildest dreams. If you are reading this, I’m guessing you relate to my unhappiness and are ready to make changes. Trust me when I say I can show you how to create a life you love.

I believe that regardless of what life throws your way, YOU  have the power to change your life,

and when you do, you change the world.

Do you feel like you should be happy with life, but you’re silently wondering “is this my life, is this really all there is? Who am I and what do I even want?” You’re not alone. Thankfully you are in a safe space where I can help you uncover the answers to those questions and really look inside to discover what matters most to you, clear out what’s getting in the way and give yourself permission to live life on your terms. You are worth it!


Sharing these concepts is truly what I am most passionate about in life.  After my own transformation and creating a life I love, I couldn’t wait to share the possibilities life has waiting for you as you begin your soul journey. I believe all women should have the opportunity to learn how to create a life they love .




I studied many of the top teachers such as Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Oprah Winfrey, Michael SingerGabby Bernstein, Niurka, Neal Donald Walsh, Gary Zukav and many more. I am an Advanced Law of Attraction Practitioner, studied Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and I am a Certified Life Coach. I’m also a Level I Reiki Practitioner and have been published in “The Book of Why” by Corey Poirier. I continue to learn and grow each day so that I can expand my mind and feed my soul.


Imagine living the life of your dreams and knowing that you have the ability to create that. I am committed to walk with you, step by step, showing you how to release the crap that gets in the way and transforming to live an inspired life and be un-shakeable.



Click here to book your complimentary 30 minute Discovery Call with me where we’ll explore what you desire for your life and how we can create it.


Me & Tony Robbins


Words of Encouragement - Deepak Chopra


Neal Donald Walsh

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